January 27th, 2024 – Prophetic Word Of The Day

Prophetic Word Of The Day
January 27th, 2024 – Prophetic Word Of The Day

Good morning! Myreah Eley here. How do you do? It’s Saturday, January 27th! Good Morning! πŸŒ„πŸ˜‡ We hope to see you tomorrow, Sunday morning at 10am (EST) for service! Please note that Purpose Makers will be showing the RECAP of last week’s sermon. Starting in February, Myreah and Marcus Eley will only be teaching on the 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month. That’s February 11th and February 25th. Guest pastors’ sermons will be shown in between. Thank you.

Moving on to the prophetic word of the day…

The Father says:

“You are the apple of My eye. I love you. I have formed you before you were even a notion in this world to live and live life abundantly on earth and in Heaven. I have called you as a beautiful prized possession of the Most High to perform great miracles in the Name of My Son, stomp demons, and take over on earth as a ruler whom has inherited the land from a mighty King. As in Heaven so on earth. We are joined together, for I am in you, and I am coming back for My bride; however, before I do, every man and woman must hear about Me. They must learn the Good News and hear about the shed blood at calvary that enabled their sins to be washed away. They must know that there is a God in Heaven whom desires their belief, their love and their faith, and has created a great purpose for them. I urge you, child, to go out and heal the sick. Perform the miracles I have placed on your path. Draw attention, eyes, and focus to the Most High. Point those whom are lost in My direction for I will give them rest. Be not only a Father-pleaser, but also be a risk taker, unafraid of what any man can do or threaten to do to you. Be not afraid of the terrors and mass war reports. Do not be consumed with worry regarding the plagues and pandemics, for panic cannot help one escape, and My plan prevails over all. Be ye a Father pleaser unafraid of challenge and be Kingdom-focused. Be ye a Father pleaser who is ready to make change and yield My Kingdom to earth through your prayer, petitions, and decrees. For you are not just a mere human without cause or reason. Instead, you are like a flower with many pedals to flourish in multiple directions and yield great fruits among you. I will send signs your way. These will be the signs that will prepare you and initiate a full throttle of My divine power in your hands to tap the untapped and do the things undone. No one has walked this path or seen the things that you will experience and witness. It is important that you lean on Me completely. Trust in Me with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul. Stay in constant commune with Me for I will continue to release instructions step by step that you shall follow and complete correctly. Do not worry about an encounter with the wicked for they cannot stand My presence in you. They attempt to push with intimidation because they know they truly have no power or control with you. You do not have to be afraid, for the devil has already been defeated, and he is already under your feet. Stomp, dear. Every time you take a step in My will and divine purpose for your life, you trample the enemies out to attack you who want nothing more but their misery to have company. But you will not fail or falter on a single score. You will do great, and nothing bad will happen to you. Nothing can harm even the single piece of fabric on your garment. Resist the enemy, and he shall flee. Depend on Me for your replenishing and your leading. Depend on Me for your safety. Do NOT lean on your own understanding. Know that I have great plans that will all work out for good, and you are a part of one of the biggest breakthroughs of your life that will transform not just you and your families’ lives but the lives of many others also. Get ready, dear. You are just at the brink of something unseen. Be patient. For soon the sun shall rise and display the full manifestation of what’s been in place all along.”

That is the word of the Lord.

At Eley Ministries, we believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God, is our Lord and Savior. We believe He died on the cross for our sins and rose again on the third day. Learn more about our mission and beliefs here.

Eley Ministries


Thank you so much for reading today’s prophetic word of the day. If the prophetic word or our ministry has blessed you in some way, please consider supporting our ministry by:


Thank you again for your support! From the Eley Family to yours, God bless you, and Happy Holidays.

May the full year of 2024 be one of the most joyous, prosperous, and peaceful moments of your life filled with prayer and communion with God.

Myreah, Marcus, & family
The Eley Family would like to thank you for your support! πŸ˜‡πŸ’Œ


Striding: Follow The Cloud

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The Secret Place Society

DYP Report

Join The Secret Place Society–an online prayer and devotional fellowship group with fellow believers in Christ where we intentionally strengthen our prayer life and relationship with God, support each other, engage in sharing testimonies and personal revelations, encourage each other in accountability, intercede for one another, and more. It’s free to join. JOIN NOW.

Be The Prophet In My Life

Can Myreah and Marcus be the prophets in your life?



Ways To Give

PayPal: paypal.me/eleyministries

Debit/Credit: pay.eleyministries.us/give

Text: Send “Give” to (910)493-3367

CashApp: $EleyMinistries

Zelle: [email protected]

Sunday Service RECAP

“You Can’t Do What?!” (1-21-24)

Wednesday Night RECAP

“Blessing Over Families” (1-17-24)

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