December 7th, 2023 – Prophetic Word Of The Day

Prophetic Word Of The Day

Good morning from Myreah Eley. Today, the Lord says:
“My sacrifice is beyond any love that man can give. When you receive My sacrifice, I gain another devout son. You are My child, whom I love very much. If I will go through so much to save you, imagine what I will do to prosper you. Believe in My healing, believe in My promises, believe in My perfect plan. Do not allow yourself to be side-tracked by foolishness, and do not give into the frivolous distractions of the world. Focus your eyes on Me. Keep looking upon the Kingdom. Keep living in righteousness. Be determined to live in My perfect will for your life without detour. You walk on the straight and narrow. Therefore, your path shall be straight and narrow also, and no confusion or hindrance shall move you off course or forfeit your destiny.”

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