December 22, 2023 – Prophetic Word Of The Day

Prophetic Word Of The Day

I see a man attempting to climb over a fence. When he moves away from the fence, it shortens itself. When he moves toward it to attempt to climb over, it grows too tall to climb over, instantly.

The Lord says, “Carrying out my will, will be difficult in the world. You will reach moments where you have questions and the answers will come slowly. There will be times when you see others flourish by way of being wicked. The wicked will flourish while the righteous await their harvest. Even so, know that My will is perfect. I set aside your purpose before you were even conceived. With every question you may have, remember that you’ve made it this far. Not by your own power, but by My grace and mercy. When you were lost in the world, My grace kept you from destruction. That same grace abides as you walk in My purpose. Understand that any purpose comes with difficulty. Tools are sharpened. Minds are strengthened. This is a necessary step in walking into the provision I have for you. Steward over what you have been given. Don’t waste time worrying over what you don’t have. Trust in Me. I haven’t let you fall, and I will not.”

That is the word of the Lord.

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~ God bless you ~

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