Good morning! Myreah Eley here. God bless you and your loved ones. Here’s what I heard from the Father for today:
“Angel activity is surrounding you. They are there to protect you and lift you in prayer. They honor the Lord for your gifts, skills, and talents you’ve been blessed with. I have placed them all in you for purpose–your purpose which aligns with My plan. You will not fail, as I know every single hair on your head and every single event that takes place next. Trust that I am watching over you and keeping you. Do not be afraid of mistakes, for I can turn around any accident and fix it for My glory. Where you may expect defeat, others will see triumph, because that’s exactly what it is, darling. Triumph is your only portion. Therefore, remove thoughts and fears of defeat from your heart! They do not stem from Me. Close your eyes and intentionally feel My presence. Feel all that I have placed around you. Feel all I have put within your reach, and then stretch out your hand, for healing and blessing is your portion. All I have for you is yours and at your disposal.”