December 15th, 2023 – Prophetic Word Of The Day

Prophetic Word Of The Day

Greetings from Myreah Eley! Here’s what I heard from the Father for today:

“I AM not so far away. My presence has a quick entry door with unlimited entry tickets. You can come and dwell any time you would like. Do not just make it a short visit. Stay for a while. Allow My love to replenish you. Allow My peace to overwhelm you. Allow My goodness to fill you and set the example for you to follow. I urge you to be good to people. Love them as you love yourself, and treat them better. Treat them even better than you desire to be treated, for in so doing, you will reap what you have sown and open many doors of favor from season to season. In My presence, I’ll give you the strength, the will, the wisdom, and the know-how you need to lead with love. You must adopt My heart, and use it at the forefront of everything. When you adopt My heart, you can be sure that you are leading with love, and acting in obedience, for My love embodies all scripture and righteousness. In My love lives obedience and full surrender to My plan and will. In My love lives abundance, and in My love lives joy. In My love, you will find and experience everything you need, and your certainty in Me will push out all fear and doubt for the work ahead. New confidence will flow, and fresh anointing will manifest and grow. Soon, you will smile thinking, ‘This is what my Father in Heaven had in store for me all along!’”

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