November 30th, 2023 – Prophetic Word Of The Day

Prophetic Word Of The Day

Greetings from Myreah Eley! Happy Thursday! Here’s what I heard from the Father for today:

“My presence is accessible at all times. Even as you go on throughout your day, I AM only a thought away. A simple acknowledgement of Me is all you need to feel Me near. I AM with you at all times, and I know when you feel you need Me most. Do not be dismayed or ashamed for feeling like you need Me. Everyone needs Me. The whole world needs Me. Of course you do. I’m your Father, and I love you. I’m your Creator, and I lead you and guide you for the benefit of My Kingdom for good. There is no such thing as needing Me in more times than in others, for I AM the same God then and same God now. I was with you then and AM with you now. Just feel it. Stretch out your hand and notice your healing, for all things have already been written in My Book and are already done. I urge you today to let your mouth pray, remain in My presence, and do not overcomplicate the very simple benefits I have freely afforded to you as My child. There is no locked access to My presence. It is freely open to all who seek Me, who desire to enter, so come on in, dear. Rest here. Feel here. You are loved, safe, and welcome.”

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